They are a work in progress. Ripening – by its very nature – suggests that you must wait and see what develops. Bright red berries may be flashy, but in fact they are raw and callow. Wait for inky black berries, and you’ll taste the full, deep expression of the fruit. Give it time.
So, there is no blackberry pie just yet. Maybe in August. But there is enough from the morning pickings for a single Blackberry Crisp with Candied Ginger, perfect for one with a healthy appetite, or large enough for two to share. The succulent purple juice and piquant ginger is sophisticated and adventurous - and builds a bit of decadent anticipation for what’s to come.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. For fruit filling, combine 1 ½ cups fresh blackberries, 1 teaspoon minced candied ginger, two teaspoons brown sugar and one teaspoon lemon juice in a small bowl. Let stand briefly and then place in a 2 cup soufflé dish.
In a small bowl, combine ¼ cup of flour, ¼ cup light brown sugar, 3 tablespoons rolled oats and a pinch of salt. Cut 2 ½ tablespoons unsalted butter into small pieces. Combine with the flour mixture. Using your fingers, rub the flour and butter mixture together until crumbly. Top the fruit filling with the flour and butter mixture (you will have some left over). Bake until topping is brown and juices are bubbling, about 25 minutes. Top with Greek yogurt and serve.
Crisps do feature the fruit brilliantly, don't they? I had black raspberry bushes and I remember that first dribble of berries and the waiting for them to turn black and beautiful.. sometimes I would take one before its time and pucker up dreadfully. Lesson in patience, those berries. I just got mine from Union Sq. yesterday and was thinking what to do with them... a crisp!!
The ginger adds a great twist to this dessert. Looks yummy.
I have been looking at the mulberry tree in front of my window, thinking, how much longer before I can grab a few?
When they do ripen, I will make this with those mulberries; can't wait, it will be such a treat~
I'm just about to make a fruit crisp this afternoon. Oh, how I wish I had blackberries! There is nothing better than picking your own, and popping them into your mouth when they're warm right from the field.
Happy Sunday to you T.W!
Okay, I have a confession. I bought the most gorgeous blackberries the other day from an Amish farm down the road. The confession part is, I made a sorta crisp using a cake mix. You know those dump it cakes where you just sprinkle the cake mix and add lots of melted butter. I just couldn't wait and I know I should have. I bet if I were patiently picking the berries myself, I would have reconsidered:) Your Blackberry Crisp looks like a gift from heaven. What am I saying, it is:) I adore the notion of candied ginger and a dollop of Greek yogurt. Oh such goodness:)
Thanks for sharing, T.W.
Oh yum! Your crisp looks really good. I will gladly send you some very hot ( I know NY has been really hot too) Florida sun to hurry-up and ripen those beautiful blackberries-It's obvious, I am not being patient.
I'm imagining how the syrupy juices collected in that ramekin would dribble down my chin if I had gotten my hands on your wonderful blackberry crisp. These berries are so worth the wait!
That looks luscious. There is something so homely and appealing about summer fruit desserts. I really love that you've given us a recipe for two. It's appreciated. Have a wonderful day, T.W. Blessings...Mary
Those blackberries are gorgeous! I've only eaten blackberries a few times but I love them. Wish I had some of your blackberry crisp!
I was addicted blackberry cobbler for a while, somehow I know I will love this blackberry crisp too!
It's so true, blackberries must be sun-sweetened to be enjoyed to the fullest... a lesson in patience which was learned last year while foraging in the wild for them! Just be sure there's enough to share with the birds though...
The dollop of chantilly cream spells perfection here!
Fresh picked blackberries are such a treat!! growing up we had two fields of blackberries growing wild near our house, I would pick some of the biggest juiciest berries I ever fingers stained from their juice.....thanks for bringing back such great memories!
And your crisp looks so delicious!!
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