Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 - A Year of Culinary Types

Local food, local farms, and friends near and far were at the center of the stories that defined the Culinary Types of 2011. Farm fresh chicken, warm bread, seasonal fruits and vegetables, food truck cuisine and wedding cake are the flavors we will forever associate with the year that will shortly pass into memory.

We met Jaime Greci and Lona Graepel, two sisters who believed Long Islanders needed the resources of a farmers market, even in winter. They started the G&G Long Island Winter Farmers Market, which brought us homegrown food in the coldest months, and was received with such enthusiasm that it even continued throughout the year.

My friend Miss Tera showed us that home baked pie is truly a weekday luxury and worth traveling for.

We sobbed in our sparkling wine as my pal Zany left us for the windy city of Chicago, but her New York finale was indeed a grand feast!

I learned the art of the whole wheat boule, using a new iPad app.

Bloggers became authors. My friend, Food Blogga Susan Russo, was crowned “Queen of the Sandwich” with the publication of her book, “The Encyclopedia of Sandwiches.” Julia Shanks helped us make sense of our CSA produce with the publication of her book, “The Farmer’s Kitchen.”

I was reunited with my street food muses Zany and Mad Me-Shell for a map cap "meating" on the streets of Chicago.

The community at Restoration Farm continued to flourish providing friendship and nourishment.

Farm-raised chicken was a delicious new addition at Restoration Farm allowing me to brush up on my poultry prowess.

I explored more food traditions of my native Long Island, braving the crowds for the Oyster Bay Oyster Festival

And, sampling juicy apple varieties at the Jericho Cider Mill.

Donna Sinetar’s heritage hens began laying eggs at Restoration Farm.

Zany even tried her hand at guest blogging from Chicago, pursuing food trucks for humans and other creatures, and flipping over sweet and savory crepes.

And, the Gift Box Wedding Cake added a delectable post-modern flourish to a special ceremony.

As always, thanks for reading and Happy New Year! I’ll be taking a short blogging break as I work on a story for the Spring Issue of Edible Hudson Valley. We’ll speak again in mid-January of 2012!

©2011 T.W. Barritt all Rights Reserved


  1. Too funny - one of my first thoughts this morning was when you were going to post your year-end recap of stories. Thank you, TW, for your partnership (and inspiration) in food exploration, and also for taking the time to create this great community where we can all take a few minutes from our day and discuss something we love! Happy New Year!

  2. What a great year for you! I enjoy your blog and will continue to follow in 2012. Happy New Year to YOU!

  3. I loved reading each of these stories, and I'm looking forward to many more in 2012. I predict there will be more Chicago food truck explorationss and more Long Island-grown produce in the year ahead!

  4. I love all Thomas! Happy New Year to you:) gloria

  5. It's fun remembering all your food adventures. (I can tell I need to get out more!)

    Happy New Year and wishing you all the best in 2012.

  6. Dear T.W.~ What a wonderful and blessed year is outlined here for 2011! I wish you the same and much, much more for 2012!! Lots of good food, friends, Health and a wealth of wonderful memories to warm your heart. Blessings my Long Island friend. Your friend, Catherine

  7. Great NYear to you... I love the recap of the year in food for you... what a great idea. I loved that wedding cake and still am amazed a non-professional would pull off anything so perfect... you should be so proud..

    Here's to you and your Chicago pals (next time I'm there I'm pulling out all your posts about it for good places to go!)

    best d

  8. What a wonderful wrap-up of the past year at your blog. I will be looking forward to your posts in 2012. Have a healthy and happy New Year.

  9. It sure has been one "Zany" year T.W. (pun intended:) All this goodness needs to be remembered so I better up my Gingko!!!

    Wishing you only the best New Year, T.W. May it be Safe, Healthy and Wise:) Cheers!

  10. I have so enjoyed reading your blog and look forward for more fun time doing just that in 2012. Happy New Year best wishes for 2012~

  11. What a great year TW and we all enjoy every one of your adventures. Meakin & I wish you a very happy new year.

  12. You have had a wonderful year~so many fabulous people and talents! I hope I can visit more next year. Happy New Year to you and I look forward to more excursions with food from your end!

  13. happy new year, T.W.! Great meeting you again last year!

  14. Sounds like you had a great, food-filled year.
    And Happy New Year to you.

  15. Miss Tera1:07 PM

    T.W., what an honor to be part of your 2011 wrap up! I'm pleased to report that my NY Eve...and day...celebrations included a delish apple pie made by friend Scott in a 9x13" cake pan; traditional bottom crust and topped with his mother's buttery crumble recipe. Here's to a tasty 2012!

  16. Love all the photos! And especially the roasted chicken! Great post!

  17. From my perspective, you've shared a wonderful year with us. I hope your holiday was wonderful and that 2012 brings only good things your way. Have a great evening. Blessings...Mary

  18. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Dear friend,

    This was a lovely ode to your 2011 posts! All of them we loved very much!

    Here is to a new year of fun, food adventures & good food enjoyed with good friends! xxx


  19. Loved reading your 2011 round-up post! What a marvelous year, TW, and this one will be better. Can't wait for more Zany, Mad Me Shell and, of course, Restoration Farm!
    Happy New Year!

  20. What a fun year 2011 was for you and your friends. I still remember how funny Zany's blog post was, and I hope that it won't be her last.
    All the best for 2012!

  21. Happy New Year T.W.! Looking forward to your posts and stories of 2012!

  22. What a great food journey 2011 was for you! I enjoyed every post ( well, almost every post).

    Here is to 2012...May it rock for you with new food discoveries, new friends and new adventures.


  23. What an amazing and delicious year! Glad to have shared some of it with you!

  24. Dear T.W., Just stopping by to say, "hello". I hope all is going well with your new year! Blessings for a great day, Catherine

  25. Happy New Year, T.W. As always, I've enjoyed your musings and especially following your farm tales and food truck exploits. To many more happy meals.

  26. Happy Sunday, T.W. Hope all is well with you and yours:)

  27. As a new lover of oysters, that shot of the fresh oysters makes me salivate. I can't believe how many years I deprived myself of their fresh sea flavor. Looks like I've got to make up for lost time. So, what't the date for the 2012 oyster festival?!
