Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summer Smiles on Restoration Farm

At precisely 6:51 AM on Saturday, June 21, 2014 Summer grins broadly and announces, “I’m back.”

Still in my robe, I greet Summer on my backyard deck with a steaming earthenware mug of coffee in hand. There is still a chill in the air as Summer slips back into our lives. I am tempted to chide her for taking her own sweet time in returning, but that would be ungracious. She is here for such a short time. Summer’s smile warms me to the core of my being. We take a few minutes to get reacquainted, and chat about how to spend this, the longest day of the year.  

At Restoration Farm, Summer’s visit is welcomed with open arms. The fields yield whimsical radishes and crisp white turnips in celebration of the event.  
The snap peas greet Summer with a burst of emerald green and a sweet snap of flavor. 
Farm members emerge from hibernation.  They gather in the field to pick luscious red strawberries and reunite with each other, buzzing about the potential of the season. 

Head Grower Dan Holmes plows the fields to expose the earth to the heated passion of Summer’s smile. 
At Apple Trace, the eight heritage apple trees planted in memory of my Dad welcome their third summer standing tall, covered in vibrant green leaves.
The new additions to the farm – two charcoal gray pastured piglets from Amish country in Pennsylvania – lounge happily in the balminess of Summer’s playful gaze.  Theirs will be a jovial season of foraging and tilling the soil of the fields to their heart’s content.   
Gentleman farmer, George Garbarini – brown from the sun and now well into his eighth decade of mercurial summers – is busy assuring the grass is clipped and the fields look their best for the solstice celebration.
The blackberry bushes clothe themselves in buoyant pink blossoms – with no hint of their darker mood to come. 
Summer’s smile warms the fields, the farmers and members of Restoration Farm alike. We revel in her visage knowing too well that her visit will be far too brief.     

©2014 T.W. Barritt All Rights Reserved


  1. Looks like Restoration Farms is humming along and ready for summertime. The strawberries are luscious and the piglets are adorable. To me summer in the northeast is its best season, but I say that about almost everywhere.

    Have a great weekend TW.

  2. No doubt about it, you've had a really rough winter. I remember winters like that and know exactly how you feel when summer finally decides to make an appearance. I love the way Restoration Farm is opening its arms to summer. Great photos, T. W. and those baby pigs will be fun to watch as they grow. Is there anything better than pulling a radish out, washing it and eating it right then and there?

  3. Good morning T.W. Happy Summer!

    She sure did take a time getting here but my oh my when she arrives there's just no stopping her:)

    I'm so glad to learn the apple trees made it through the Winter. I was a bit worried.

    Restoration Farm is thriving with excitement. I would be solo bad picking those sugar snap peas, I just LOVE them right off the vine. (actually, I'd probably do more eating than gathering of most of the bounty:)

    Thank you so much for sharing, T.W. and thank you for the birthday wishes:) Enjoy the first full day of Summer and each and every day too:)

  4. Summer's here!!!!! I really actually enjoyed the leisurely way summer rolled in this year---with lots of rain for us here. Happy Summer!

  5. Love this, and boy do I love summer!

  6. Oh yes, we all welcome the warmth of summer and all the good food that comes to us from the gardens. I nice written post, T.W.

  7. This just makes me so happy! It's so much fun to see the warm weather kicking in and everyone outside working with their hands. I'm having a ball this year with the garden. I cannot wait until we get some veggies! ^_^

    Wonderful photos TW :)


  8. I love these pictures. Make me smile!
    Love the pig and the strawberries!!

  9. Wow -- the apple trees have grown so much since they were first planted! When will you be able to enjoy a harvest?
