Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter and Rituals of Spring at Restoration Farm

The joys of Easter are upon us, and after a particularly hard winter, the community at Restoration Farm seems to embrace the tasks of spring with renewed vigor. Donna’s hens have been busy producing baskets full of pastel eggs perfect for the holiday.  
Signs of activity and new life are abundant. Caroline, George and Kobi are shelling last year’s pole bean pods, and extracting the seeds in anticipation of this season’s planting. Ever the engineer, George is devising new ways to get the shelling done more quickly.  
Zsofi, Natalia and a group of volunteers are preparing the flowerbeds for a summer of brilliant color. 
Hal has constructed a top bar beehive to attract those stalwarts of pollination.  The bees will enter through the bottom, and build honeycombs draped from each narrow bar that lies across the top.   
At Apple Trace, buds on the two-year old heritage apple trees are beginning to open.  
In the field, tender leaves of kale reach towards the sun.  We will soon be worth our weight in greens. 
Freedom Ranger meat birds have settled into their daily routine of foraging in the fields.  
The Garlic Field is covered with bright green shoots that will soon give way to the first garlic scapes of summer.  
At the Hewlett Apple Orchard, Glenn had pruned and mulched the sweeping hill and planted additional rootstock.
He shows me the progress of the Asian pear, Apricot and Sour Cherry trees he planted several years ago along the dirt road that enters the farm.  Glenn has a knack for cultivating new life and has truly earned the nickname of “Orchard Guy.”   
And, scattered throughout the farm and the historic village are new abodes each anticipating their first flurry of tenants. 
Happy Easter!  Happy Spring!   

©2014 T.W. Barritt All Rights Reserved  


  1. I can't get over how much progress is made in the spring planting. The gardens in our area have been plowed and prepared, but no planting so far. Donna's eggs are such pretty colors. Happy Easter TW.

  2. I can't believe the season is already starting! Looking forward to this year's farm stories. Happy Easter!

  3. Ah the hustling and bustling at the farm. You really have become one with nature in the last few years T.W. I can "hear" it in your voice:)

    Restoration Farm is settling in to another year of joyous renewal. I too look forward to another year of watching its progress through your eyes. Thank you so much for sharing, T.W. Sending Happy Easter thoughts your way!!! Enjoy:)

  4. Happy Eater and Happy Spring to you T.W.
    It sure looks like the farm has a huge head start on my victory garden!
    I have little sprouts coming up in small egg cartons! That I dutifully bring in each night since it is still so cold at night.
    I hope that with all this tlc these plants will thrive!!
    The farm looks so beautiful and inviting.
    Blessings, Catherine

  5. So ready for garden season. Happy Easter.

  6. How wonderful! Love all the planting, tending and preparing. Those eggs are dye needed.
    Have a Happy Easter, T.W. !

  7. I admit to being a bit jealous of your farm time. I miss farming and all the wonderful things around getting a garden going. It really is a wonder -- life getting up and running again in the spring.

  8. I hope you had a wonderful Easter, T.W. I think everyone up north is grateful that our winter is behind us and all are looking forward to enjoying spring. Thanks for sharing your photos from the farm. I just had my garden beds tilled yesterday.
