Sunday, October 07, 2012

Bored with Hot Dogs? Try a Durger!

Once in a while, lunch is a matter of divine intervention.   It is a rainy Thursday, and I am wandering the streets in search of a bite to eat.   Suddenly, the clouds and fog part, and I spy a vision of an azure blue truck decorated with the image of a smartly dressed chef beckoning me closer.  It is the Trusty Truck, and it’s been on the streets for a mere two weeks.  
I approach the window and gaze at the menu.   At the top, is the word “Durgers.”   “What’s a Durger?”  I ask the woman at the counter.
“It’s a burger in the shape of a hot dog,” she says quite matter-of-factly.  Not just “a burger,” street food fans, but 100 percent All-Natural Black Angus Beef on a roll with a choice of toppings.  Carolyn at the window suggests Shroom n’ Onion – melted Swiss cheese, sautéed Portabella mushrooms, haystack Videlia onions with chipotle mayo.    I can see the flames dancing at the grill, and I inhale a smoky, savory aroma.   "What country do Durgers come from?"  I ask.  "Greece?" says Carolyn tentatively.  

"I'll take one,"  I say with hungry conviction.  The great tradition of Dawging has just gone up a notch. 

But why hold back?  I throw in a side order of Mac n’ Cheese Bites, balls of macaroni pasta and cheese coated with Panko Bread crumbs and deep-fried.   With ranch on the side.  Yikes!
Hot, beefy, smoky, and juicy – a Durger leaves your average dog in the dust.  And those crispy balls of macaroni are diet-busting rapture. 
It’s a celestial meal.   Or, as it says on the side of the Trusty Truck, “Five Stars on Four Wheels.”  
Life will never be the same.  Trust me.  The hot dog stand is as relic.  You’ve got to try a Durger. Don’t let the Trusty Truck pass you by.

©2012 T.W. Barritt All Rights Reserved


  1. T.W. This post smile and a Durger sounds delicious!
    Today we ate hot dogs I love with mashed avocado,mayonayse and chopped tomatos:)

  2. You must be kidding... fried mac and cheese... that sounds insanely good... where do you find this truck... HEAVEN?

  3. Yikes indeed. What a burger, I mean Durger. You won't need to eat again for a while. I've never heard of a Durger. How fun to find something new, especially in the hot dog world.

    Black Angus beef is THE best. I never believed it, thought it was hype, but I'm sold.

  4. Hoyy Cow! Durgers sound brilliantly delicious! And what better way to get the toppings evenily dispersed through every bite. How was the afternoon nap?

  5. TW, I'm really going to need you to consider warning labels for pregnant people with posts like these. It's just not fair...

  6. Top of the morning to you, T.W!

    Or shall I say top of the Durger, lol...If there's an innovative "Trusty Truck" to be found in the city, leave it to you to sniff it out! I really think you should have warned Zany though especially in her condition!

    Thanks for sharing...

  7. It is a darn tempting meal, don't you think? Julia, I'm probably still napping! Hey Louise! I was hoping a look at the Durger might lure you briefly out of retirement! I'll be seeing Zany soon, so we'll see what her current diet is really like!

  8. Send that truck up to Providence, please!

  9. Drooling, but we don't have anything remotely like that in the food trucks here.

  10. Nice to see you're keeping up with your food truck adventures solo, T.W. You sure made a find here. My tummy is rumbling.

  11. I was already pleased when I saw this genius (seriously, Mr. Trusty Truck chef, GENIUS) concoction. But upon seeing you go for the fried mac and cheese, well tears of joy and pride just rolled down my face! This looks SO good!! I think you need to visit them ago for more menu sampling!

  12. Dear T.W., That is a lunch alright!!
    I bet you enjoyed each and every bite!!
    Blessings friend. Catherine

  13. Anonymous8:20 AM

    What a large lunch though! I couldn't eat so much food!

    It sure looks very appetizing & fabuliscious too!
    Thanks for sharing your experinces with us!

  14. Oh my gosh! I had a version of this durger many years ago at the Olympic Club in San Francisco, oblong patty was on a baguette. This must have been such a treat.

  15. Ha! I guess durger sounds more politically correct than a kebab these days? because a burger in the shape of a hot dog is how you'd describe a kebab. At least from my perspective. A kebab is wrapped in bread and veggies and eaten with a sauce , often on the go.
