Sunday, April 24, 2011

Carrot Cake sans Carrots

Happy Easter and Happy Spring! If, by chance, you’ve just been visited by the most famous rabbit of all (and I don’t mean Bugs) you might want to take a moment to reflect on the Big Bunny’s favorite food – The Carrot. Here’s a little carrot trivia to crunch on:

  • The carrot originated in Afghanistan, but the varieties grown there were purple and yellow. The ubiquitous orange root didn’t come until later.

  • Both the ancient Greeks and Romans cultivated carrots.

  • In 1607 the settlers at Jamestown in Virginia introduced carrots to North America.

  • Thomas Jefferson – who loved vegetables – harvested 18 bushels of carrots at his Monticello home in 1814.

  • The state of California is the top producer of fresh carrots in the United States.

  • The carrot consists of 87 percent water.

  • Beta carotene gives the carrot its orange color, and the carrot delivers 30 percent of the Vitamin A in the U.S. diet.

  • One cup of raw carrots contains about 50 calories, 4 grams of dietary fiber, 6 grams of sugars and over 400 percent of a single daily serving of Vitamin A.

None of these nutritional benefits are present in this whimsical Carrot Cake inspired by a recipe in the April issue of Food Network Magazine. It contains absolutely no carrot, and while the original recipe recommends purchased frozen pound cake and tub frosting, I decided to make a vanilla pound cake recipe and a batch of cream cheese frosting from scratch as the base ingredients for the recipe. Once that’s done, the rest is basically a kitchen craft project of trimming and frosting the cake and precise alignment of dozens of orange jelly beans.

I suspect there’s enough sugar here to assure I’ll be hopping down the bunny trail by late afternoon.

©2011 T.W. Barritt All Rights Reserved


  1. Super cute! I'm not a fan of carrot cake, but a cake shaped like a carrot is a whole other thing to love.

  2. What a fun craft project! Though, I see no reason not to make a carrot cake to go under all that frosting.

  3. what fun carrot facts! This cake looks too cute, as well!

  4. I tried to picture you hopping down the trail and it made me grin broadly; pleasant thoughts are always needed, especially today; eating this cake and gobbling up jelly beans sounds lovely, happy Easter!!!!

  5. What a cute cake. If it had been yellow, it reminded me of an odd shaped corn on the cob. Jelly beans mean Easter to us. Have a great weekend T.W.

  6. did a great job carving that cake. Happy Easter, T.W. !

  7. That is so cute, TW!! Happy Easter!
    (I loved all your carrot trivia!)

  8. To say I am delighted I stopped in this evening is an under statement, T.W. I can just imagine you aligning all those jelly beans with a tall glass of Riesling by your side:) Such talent!

    Thanks for sharing...A very Happy Easter to you and yours T.W. Louise:)

  9. alfred p.8:24 AM

    Another carrot fact that I bet you didn't know: Marie Antoinette was a huge fan of carrots; she used to stash them in her towering wigs to snack on at the Petite Trianon. Contrary to popular belief, carrots actually caused her to lose her head: One night during dinner at Versailles, the subject of starving peasants came up. Marie said (in French, of course), "Let them eat carrots; they're tasty, cheap, and you can grow them anywhere". Then she turned to a server and said, "Cake, please." By the time the story of this exchange reached Paris, certain details were lost in the retelling...well, we know what happened next.

  10. Alfred - you are a fount of incredible information. You must have gone to a very good school. Do you remember the episode of Bugs Bunny when Bugs dressed up like Marie Antoinette to trick Elmer Fudd?

  11. alfred p10:50 AM

    I was a history major (among other things) at NHU. It was exactly that episode that peeked my curiosity and led me to the research that uncovered Marie A's prediliction for carrots---those Warner Brothers guys really knew their stuff!

  12. What a clever idea for the Easter dessert table. The children (of all ages) will love it. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  13. I did not know the carrot was so famous~loved the cake....

  14. I used to love bunny cakes as a kid... no meat involved... just cake and coconut... loved it. I just read that Heston Blumenthal does a meat pate that looks exactly like an orange. I guess we all love visual jokes...especially on holidays. Great cake and lovely job. Hope you had a great easter!

  15. That is one cute carrot cake-nice.

    Enjoyed the carrot facts too.

    Have a great weekend.

