Saturday, January 13, 2007

Pasta Presto:

The best recipes are simple and uncomplicated with just a few, fresh ingredients. Despite an adventurous soul, and a tendency towards culinary experimentation, it’s always reassuring to return to old favorites. This is one of the first pasta dishes I ever made, in the Roman-style, and I first discovered a version of this recipe in a whimsically-illustrated book that was a gift from my parents. Just to prove to myself that I’ve “come a long way, baby” I made the pasta from scratch, but the sauce remains an effortless classic, that assembles in minutes, and is easy enough to make a weekend dinner a truly special occasion:

Tagliatelle alla Romana

10 to 12 ounces of Tagliatelle or Fettuccine Pasta
One half pint heavy cream
½ cup unsalted butter at room temperature
6 to 8 tablespoons grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
9 ounces frozen peas, (microwave for 5 minutes to heat through)
6 ounces thinly sliced prosciutto cut into strips
Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper

Cook the pasta in salted, boiling water. Meanwhile, heat the cream in a small saucepan. When cooked, drain the pasta. Return to the pot and melt the butter and cheese with the hot pasta. Add the hot cream, prosciutto and peas. Season with salt and pepper, toss and serve.

Makes 4 Servings

This dish is fresh, creamy and bursting with bright colors. Don’t forget to uncork the Chianti!

© 2007 T.W. Barritt All Rights Reserved


  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    hmmnn... I suddenly got a craving for pasta :!

  2. oh so delicious-the creamier, the better! i love making this dish-thank you for replying about the cooking school, however, it dissappeared from my maibox-can you send it again? Very sorry about that.......

  3. T.W.,

    I'm with you - some recipes are so delicious and perfect they don't need fussy details or fireworks to shine - it's all there: the flavor, the smell, the colors.

    This pasta is a great example.

  4. I love 'go to' dishes...refined over the years I have no doubt this is a family fav. :)
